Describe jobs, professions and work places
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Adjectives to describe a job
Adjectives are descriptive words. They help you to describe people or things (nouns). Adjectives
also can be used to describe the characteristics of a job or profession.
What is the job like?
Positive adjectives to describe a job
Negative adjectives to describe a job
Absorbing: is very interesting and claims all
your attention.
Badly-paid: you receive less income than
the average.
is not regular or permanent.
Boring: without interest.
Challenging: is very difcult and tests a
person's ability.
Dangerous: a situation in which arm, death,
damage or destruction is possible.
Collaborative: involves people working toge-
ther to produce something.
Demanding: requires a lot of skill and have
to work long hours, very high pressure.
Creative: involving imagination and new
Difcult: not easy.
Easy: not difcult to do, or not needing
much work.
Stressful: involves or causes a lot of pressu-
re or worry.
Exacting: requires a lot oF care, e ort and
Tedious: everything takes a long time and it
is boring.
Demanding: requires a lot oF e ort From you.
Unsociable: working long hours, so do not
have much time to spend with family or
²lexible: o ers to employees a range oF
bene³ts, such as working From home or wor
king hour that are di erent From the usual.
Interesting: makes you want to know about
it or take part in it.
Safe: is safe from redundancy.
Sociable: allows you to enjoy being with
other people.
Unusual: not common, normal, ordinary.
Well paid: pays a lot of money.