¿Cómo está estructurado este libro?
Cierre del bloque
Al terminar cada bloque, se presenta la evaluación fnal como una actividad
integradora de las cuatro habilidades comunicativas (comprensión auditiva y de
lectura, producción oral y escrita), donde vas a aplicar tus aprendizajes y pondrás
en juego tus competencias. También encontrarás una rúbrica para que evalúes
la actividad integradora y un formato para que hagas una autoevaluación de los
desempeños esperados.
Finalmente, encontrarás una tabla para que registres el nivel de avance que lograste
en el desarrollo de las competencias genéricas y disciplinares. Es importante que
valores, junto con tu profesor, los avances que hayas registrado.
Los contenidos y las actividades se presentan de una manera atractiva y práctica
y te ayudarán a practicar el idioma de forma individual, en parejas y en pequeños
equipos. Aprovecha todas las actividades, contenidos y recursos, pues te permitirán
usar el inglés cada vez mejor. Aprovecha a tu profesor y a tus compañeros; acércate
a ellos, resuelvan dudas y aprendan juntos. Date la oportunidad de construir con
ellos este viaje.
Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations
Closure activities
ReFect on what you have learned
In block I, you learned vocabulary related to moral values; you were able to describe
what would you do in a hypothetical situation, using the grammar structure of the
second conditional.
You used the di²erent modals or the second conditional (would, should, could,
might) to give advice and suggestions in hypothetical situations.
Also you identifed and used connectors (and, because, but, so) that wil help you to
improve your grammatical, reading, speaking and writing skills.
Think about the next questions and write your conclusions:
What was the most signifcant learning that you achieved in block I?
How can you use the things you have learned in your current life?
My conclusions are:
Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations
Mark the box that corresponds to your level with an X.
30-36 points - your achievement was very good
23-29 points - your achievement was good
18-22 points.- your achievement was regural
less than 18 points - your achievement wasn’t satisfactory
When you fnish answering it, show it to your teacher and talk about your progress and what do
you need to improve.
What I am capable of
I am completely
capable of
4 points
I can do it, but I
need help
3 points
I can´t do it even
with help
2 points
I am not
capable of
1 point
Identify vocabulary related to moral
Identify the grammar structure for
second conditional sentences.
Identify the grammar structure for modal
Identify the grammar structure for
connectors in oral and written sentences.
Use the di erent forms (a²rmative,
negative and interrogative), of the
second conditional in oral and
written sentences.
Use the di erent forms (a²rmative,
negative and interrogative) for modal
verbs in oral and written sentences.
Describe my behavior in oral and written
sentences in hypothetical situations
Total points
Express my opinion: give advice or
suggestions in
speci³c circumstances.
Ask for advice or suggestions in a moral