Describing situations of cause and effect
It is important to identiFy your level oF profciency in the competencies that you will develop
in block I. Answer the following questions and check your answers with an X.
IF you answered most oF the questions with Always then your level oF profciency is
high. If you answered most of them with Sometimes or Never then you will have to
work harder on the achievement of those competencies.
Level of achievement
Do you use different communication strategies
depending on the subject, the context and
your goals?
Do you identify the principal ideas in a text or
speech and can make conclusions from them?
Do you speak in a second language in daily
Do you use Information and Communication
Technologies in order to get and express your
Do you express your points of view and take
into account those of other persons?
Do you talk to and learn from people with
different points of view and cultural heritage,
taking in mind your own circunstances in a
wider context?