Practica esta lección: Ir al examen
5. Write on the line the questions according to the answers.
Escribe sobre la línea la pregunta que corresponda a las respuestas.
__________________________________? She’s wearing a pink dress.
__________________________________? No, he is watching T.V.?
__________________________________? Yes, they are playing basketball.
__________________________________? He is listening to music.
__________________________________? No, she is not studying.
6. Write on the line where the people in the picture are. Use
(next to, in front
of, behind, between).
Escribe sobre la línea dónde se ubica la gente en la foto.
(next to, in
front of, behind, between).
Sue is _______________ Mario.
Mario is
______________ Sue and Rosa.
Pedro and Rosa are ___________________ Mario.
Dylan is ________________ Mario.
Mario is ________________ Pedro and Rosa.
Pedro is ________________ Rosa.
7. Answer the letter to Brenda with your information. Draw a picture to
illustrate your letter.
Responde una carta para Brenda con tu información. Dibuja una imagen
para ilustrar tu carta.